This one of the most aggressive sports. But men have always been more aggressive sex. , however, spent today aggression? have to fight a mammoth in the woods or allow them to fight each other from small. , there is no sport more attractive than aggressive, which is identified with the player and thus be unloaded from their accumulated natural male aggression.
2.Male company
And for men and women is extremely important to spend some time in companies, consisting of representatives of the sex, which speaks the same language and do not need translation.
3.The lack of censorship
When watching football automatically drop all educational rules, good tone, manners and protocol. Even if there is one anecdote: work your boss screaming in the house - the woman and the stadium is the only place where you can screaming your will, in full throat while staying without a voice from exhaustion, then there is no scientific degree and title nobody knows who they are and you can not allow censorship and language and blatant effects as every wish sometimes afford.
4.Valve stress
In today's difficult way of life, enormous strain accumulated discontent against nepromenimi circumstances there is nothing more desirable than easily accessible outlet. front of the screen or the stadium can unload a huge dose of tension, having a variety of reasons. this outlet is officially permitted, if, of course, does not result in excess of supporters, or plastered to the bill.
Men love the strategies and tactics. Football is a game about thinking, as some do not understand it. is the intellectual challenge. is no greater pleasure than that he understands this instance to provide hidden pass and see how his favorite player on the field also was able to provide.
6.Cheap pleasure
Not so much now easily accessible pleasures of a financial point of view. Enough to pay current and your TV work, you are one month's free entertainment (it is, sometimes grief!).
7.Imitation of idol
As the women want to look any actress or models, and men have their idols, who are trying are identified (although not always recognize it). Most often these images are among the players that most perceived as a complete image of manhood: strength, endurance, aggression, fame, money (this is one of the best paid sports), women (not accidentally players are tempting target for women).
8.Flight from reality
Three or four matches a day makes approximately five hours oblivion. hours in which no boss, even your wife it will, no time to think about any problems.
9.Competitive element
Male psyche as ustroena is that it needs to compete . With your favorite team compete mentally as many men. Victory Team is experiencing as their own. This mini-war with tsivilizovani agents (unfortunately not always tsivilizovani) is a virtual realization of the primary male nature. If men could fight more often in this mediocre, and allowed way would be less fighting in unfair ways.
10.Just because they are men
So few pure male territories today. trying to increasingly obsessed world of men. Left them a football!
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