Friday, October 17, 2008

Body of Lies [2008]

Director: Ridley Scott
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, Mark Strong (Full Cast)
Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures

The Plot: In Jordan, an ex-journalist (DiCaprio) working to locate an Al Qaeda leader for the CIA faces pressure from an agent (Crowe) for whom failure is not an option.

User Rating: 7.8/10

THE BUZZ: Ridley Scott gets his war on again, with a screenplay by William Monahan (his first credit since The Departed, and perhaps an effort to erase the memory of his previous collaboration with Scott). I wonder if this one is being positioned as Oscar bait, because it looks more like Hollywood's savvy attempt to finally profit from this gosh darn war. Do you think Crowe and Monahan teased Scott and DiCaprio on the set for not having any Oscars? Another question: Did the first trailer engage you, or leave you feeling like you don't have any idea what the movie's about? If you feel confused by it all, good luck with the second trailer.

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